He may have it in his power to return a good office . 在他的力量范围内帮助曾帮助过他的人。
These gentlemen had an indefinable mistrust of her good offices . 这些先生们对她的好意殷勤抱有难以名状的戒心。
It is in this manner that we obtain from one another the far greater part of those good offices which we stand in need of . 我们所需要的相互帮忙,大部分是依照这个方法取得的。
Willingly , and a small return for your good offices “欢迎,也可以对你的帮助聊表谢意。 ”
We got the statistics we needed through his good offices 我们透过他的服务弄到了所需的统计资料。
We got the statistics we needed through his good offices 我们通过他的帮助弄到了所需的统计资料。
By the good offices of 由的斡旋
I accepted his good offices which , coming from your father , cannot be regarded as charity 我接受了这个帮助,这个来自您父亲的帮助不能算是施舍。
At shengda , the downgraded diploma struck some students as a body blow , one that could cripple their chances of securing a good office job 在升达,降级的文凭对于他们来说就如五雷轰顶,削弱了他们找个好的办公室工作的机会。
In the next year he obtained , through the good offices of an old friend , a post with a publishing firm which , though not highly paid , he found more congenial 第二年,通过一个老朋友帮忙,他在一家出版公司谋到一个职位,薪水虽不高,却更令他感到惬意。